Catalyst Joint Venture Partners To provide funds for the Construction of Sycamore Block 2 in our the Cedar Homes, Okun Ajah by Lekki 2 Project
The block type consists of
4 Nos. of 1bedroom apartment
6 Nos. of Studio apartments
6 Nos. of 2bedroom apartments
Total Amount: 131,250,000.00
Total Amount is divided into 525Units of N250,000 each.
An investor can do as many units of N250,000 each as possible.
Tenure 2years locked-in period.
JV sharing ratio is 30% to the land and infrastructure provider(Realty Point Limited) and 70% to the JV fund provider(investors).
The estimated return in investment to investors is put at 39.06%
Security: The property to be built as it is in construction financing
Other Documentations for fund providers(investor):
1. Deed of Agreement
2. Certificate of Investment